"For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations.  As you have done, it will be done to you.  Your dealings will return on your own head." Obadiah 1:15

Many verses in the Scriptures can be confusing to even the best of Bible students.  However, one thing all can agree on is that the warnings in God's Words are clear.  He will return, and when he does, the wicked are going into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Matt 25:41

Will you be rescued from God's wrath?  Would God consider you wicked or would you be good enough to get into Heaven?  Take this quick test to find out if God would think you are good enough to get to Heaven.  Just click on the link below.  

Click on the link below

Prison Ministry
Have you ever been interested in helping with a ministry to those who are incarcerated, but just didn't know how to?  Now you can help prisoners by sending them a letter with a special message from you about Jesus.  People in prison need to hear the Gospel message, and they need friends too.  You can start today by going to www.writeaprisoner.com.  If you have questions about writing to prisoners you can always contact me at needgod@ardmore.net

 How can you interpret scripture for yourself?  Really it's not hard.  Take a listen....
What happens to us when we die? Click play for a free lesson.
We are a non-denominational ministry offering free bible courses for people who either can't or do not want to attend a traditional church service. This is a work at your own pace bible course that we mail to you.  To receive your first lesson, simply email us with your name and address and we'll get you started on a wonderful journey of learning about ourselves and our wonderful Saviour Jesus.